世界冠軍Fritz Storm告訴你,爲什麼精品咖啡對消費者那麼貴呢?

作者:未知 來源:咖啡豆: 咖啡師 > 2025-01-22 15:44:48

  關注咖評(微信公衆號 vdailycom ) 發現美好咖啡館 開一家自己的小店

  爲什麼精品咖啡對消費者那麼貴呢?在咖啡店裏賣的比超市貴五倍,是可以被接受、持續下去的嗎?就讓世界冠軍Fritz Storm告訴你吧


  -Talking about pricing. Why does specialty coffee have to be so expensive for the consumer?

  Is it sustainable to sell coffee in the coffee-shops for up to 5 times more than the supermarket?

  I guess most roasters and baristas will say yes of course it is ok, our coffee is worth it and expensive to get.

  If we look at it on a broader scale, I believe that most part of the regular consumer, which is probable around 90% of the population, are saying that it is too expensive, that hey actually prefer their “normal” coffee.

  This is not because of ignorance, but more the fact that they simply not enjoy our very strange flavors and aromas, compared with their regular industrial coffee!




  2 .

  -There were a study here in Denmark that showed that around half of those who blind-

  tasted a specialty coffee and a regular industrial coffee, actually preferred the industrial coffee. So what does this tell us? That we forget where the customers are right now, that ifwe want to connect with more people, we need to look at the way we approach our guests.

  How we settle our price for our products, and also what range of coffees and products weare offering. Ask ourselves WHY we are doing it the way we are.




  -As I said in my previous article we need to take some steps back and start from there.

  Looking at how we can attract more new guests to our shops, what language we speak to them.

  Most people (and thereby most of our potential customers) are in general very curious, we have to tell something that actually make sense to them, use words that they understand, and roast it in a way that is enjoyable also for them.

  Then we can begin a journey together. Does that have to mean that we go back in quality. I believe some will say yes, but I will look at it differently. In my opinion it is necessary, if we on a broad scale will lift the awareness on quality in coffee, and have more people drinking specialty coffee.

  We could also have a couple of different qualities instead of only the best. Hereby we also build bridge to the consumer.

  -如同我在上一篇文章所(鏈結:世界冠軍 Fritz Storm親筆信談“咖啡行業&咖啡師社羣”,一起站在巨人的肩膀上思考!)說過的,我們需要退後幾步想,並且從那裏做爲起點。




  -What guests really don’t like is being cheated or fooled. When they feel that they are paying for something they didn't order or don’t like.

  This is bad, because this will make our potential large group of customers, hesitate to come back to the new coffee shops. Further more they will also as speak negatively to other people about their experience.



  -We need to embrace our guests much more and hold their hands when they enter the first couple of times. Make sure that they feel welcomed and that we serve them someting that is understandable, likable and affordable.




  -When all this is said I of course still believe it is important that the Specialty Coffee world keep being the driving force for quality, that we keep being the innovators. Therefore also keep doing things that the average consumer most likely will have difficulties with understanding.

  But I strongly believe that both things should be possible for us.

  Coming up is more on my view on competition and competitors.



前街咖啡已可在Tmall選購,60種來自世界各地咖啡豆,新鮮烘焙 24H發貨。


Tmall link:

或直接在淘寶搜尋 「前街旗艦店」


2017-08-02 10:39:04 責任編輯:未知




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