作者:蜜思咖啡網 來源:咖啡豆: 咖啡文化 > 2025-01-29 14:00:29
I like coffee so much that I have tea for breakfast: The first cup of the day in particular is so good that I’m afraid I won’t be able to properly appreciate it when I am half-asleep. Therefore, I celebrate it two hours later when I am fully conscious.
I must have been 5 when I first discovered the taste of coffee, when I was accidentally given a scoop of coffee ice cream. I was inconsolable: how could grown-ups ruin something as wonderful as ice cream with something as disgusting as coffee?
A few years later I was similarly devastated when my parents announced that for our big summer vacation we would go . . . hiking.
When I was 10 I still hated coffee, but fell in love with the ritual of making coffee. My parents were thankful enough about me fixing them coffee every morning that they overlooked my first clashes with brewing technology.
At 17 I still suffered from coffee schizophrenia: I loved the concept of coffee, but resented the taste. I decided to cure myself through auto-hazing. Around that time, my parents took me on my first trip to Paris. We arrived by train early in the morning and went straight to a little cafe. I ordered a large café au lait and forced down the entire bowl. It worked. Since then I have enjoyed coffee pretty much every day.
When I was 21 I worked as an intern at a magazine. The art director and I would brew a gigantic pot of coffee around 9 a.m. to help us get through the day. The pot would simmer in the coffeemaker, and through evaporation the coffee strengthened noticeably at lunchtime. In the evening hours, the remaining coffee had turned to a black concoction with a stinging smell and tar-like taste. We endured it without flinching.
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2014-05-20 10:00:37 責任編輯:蜜思咖啡網
埃塞俄比亞咖啡- 耶加雪菲咖啡- 西達摩咖啡- (耶加雪菲水洗和日曬)-
肯尼亞咖啡- 盧旺達咖啡- 坦桑尼亞咖啡-亞洲產區
本站推薦: 卡蒂姆咖啡豆| 季風馬拉巴咖啡| 牙買加咖啡| 西達摩花魁| 耶加雪啡咖啡| 埃塞俄比亞咖啡| 耶加雪菲咖啡| 巴西黃波旁咖啡| 巴拿馬水洗花蝴蝶| 尼加拉瓜馬拉卡杜拉咖啡豆| 羅布斯塔咖啡豆特點| 阿拉比卡咖啡豆的特點| 巴西摩吉安納咖啡| 巴西咖啡豆風味特點| 烏干達咖啡豆風味| 西達摩咖啡豆特點| 後谷咖啡雲南小粒咖啡| 埃塞俄比亞紅櫻桃咖啡| 哥斯達黎加塔拉珠咖啡| 單品摩卡咖啡豆的特點| 盧旺達單品咖啡| 布隆迪咖啡風味| 哥斯達黎加咖啡黑蜜口感| 巴拿馬卡杜拉咖啡| 巴西喜拉多咖啡特點|
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