Jesus Aguirre 在1874年取得這片莊園。他一開始種植甘蔗來製造紅砂糖(panela),同時莊園內也種植了玉米、豆子和菸草。1900年期間他開始種植咖啡,並且稱呼這塊種植區爲“El Injerto”,此名稱來自於一種當地水果。茵赫特莊園從此便是危地馬拉咖啡產業在品質與革新上的領導者。
Process: Peak: Performance Process (P3)。 We call this to our exahustive process of hand sorting, separation and selection of the coffee beans through out the washed and dry mill. Also includes, full fermentation, soaking for 24hrs after washing ans very slow drying. This enhances the flavors and increases the life time of the coffee!