上海seesaw咖啡館招聘有什麼要求 seesaw咖啡員工待遇怎麼樣?

作者:未知 來源:咖啡豆: 咖啡品牌 > 2025-01-22 17:50:04

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  • 最近在靜安設計中心裏悄然開幕的 seesaw咖啡 符合我對一家咖啡店的所有要求。好喝的咖啡(這是一定要的),輕鬆愜意的氛圍,有設計感的乾淨店面,友善熱情的咖啡師傅,還有 Strictly Cookies 的美味餅乾!
    The very recently opened Seesaw Cafe has all the elements I look for in a coffee shop. Glorious coffee (but of course), clean and stylish decor with courtyard seats, friendly baristas who are passionate to share their knowledge, and – drumroll please – buttery, sugary delights from Strictly Cookies.
    我和朋友點了 “兩人份咖啡套餐” (58元),其中包含了兩杯咖啡和四份小甜點。我們選了有細緻拉花的卡布其諾和拿鐵,味道濃郁而順口。
    A friend and I ordered a “coffee set for two” (58 RMB), which includes two cups of coffee and a selection of 4 dessert bites. We opted for a cappuccino and a latte, which came strong and smooth, with beautiful latte art.
    除了 Strictly Cookies 的餅乾以外,Seesaw 也提供一位意大利女孩子做的手工甜點。當日我們嚐了提拉米蘇、起司蛋糕、巧克力慕司、和布朗尼蛋糕,都頗爲可口。
    Other than cookies from Strictly Cookies, Seesaw also offers desserts “made by an Italian girl” who apparently doesn’t have a store, but supplies desserts to a few selected cafes. We sampled her tiramisu, cheesecake, chocolate mousse, and brownie, each a pleasurable bite.
    The baristas also sent over a new dessert for us to try – a lovely combination of gelato topped with a shot of espresso.
    接著,他們邀請我們到吧檯,並用危地馬拉的咖啡豆做了一份手衝滴濾咖啡給我們品嚐(在此申明一下:我從來不會告訴店家我是個 blogger,所以這不是特別待遇 —— 他們的確就是這麼友好)。看著咖啡師傅認真的測量水溫,用細嘴壺將熱水慢慢的淋在盛裝咖啡粉的濾紙上,可以感覺到他的用心。對咖啡不是特別在行的我就不在這裏班門弄斧了,各位咖啡愛好者請自己來品嚐吧!
    The friendly folks then invited us over to the counter and treated us to a cup of hand drip coffee using beans from Guatemala (in case you are wondering, no, I did not tell them that I’m a blogger), and gave us some tips on how to appreciate different types of coffee beans. I won’t embarrass myself here by trying to describe what this tasted like because – frankly speaking – I’m not so knowledgable in this realm, so you have to come here and try it for yourself.
    忍不住喫了一塊 Strictly Cookies 的巧克力餅乾 (8元)。
    Chase that with a skinny chocolate chip cookie (8 RMB) from Strictly Cookies.
    Next time I’d like to try something that comes out of this formidable-looking vacuum brewer.
    But for now, we are venturing outside…
    Going up…
    And up…
    And up to the rooftop, which is still under construction but I can already see how lovely it will be once the work is done.
    Why yes, that is indeed someone practicing his swings over there.
    Here’s a perfect spot for outdoor movie screenings.
    Seesaw Cafe 剛剛開幕,而且所處的靜安設計中心也還在裝修,所以店內店外的調整會產生一些噪音。不過當這裏所有的一切都如此美好的時候,這些小小的困擾完全可以被忽略掉。嗯,我一定會再回來的。
    Do know that Seesaw Cafe only very recently opened and is still undergoing some tweaks here and there, and the whole Jing’An Design Center (which houses the cafe and some office spaces) is still being renovated so you might hear some drilling noises. These disturbances are all very minor and easily overlooked when everything else about this place is so agreeable. Mmhmm, I will be back.


前街咖啡已可在Tmall選購,60種來自世界各地咖啡豆,新鮮烘焙 24H發貨。


Tmall link:https://qianjieshipin.tmall.com

或直接在淘寶搜尋 「前街旗艦店」


2018-07-02 15:39:58 責任編輯:未知




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