Hey Joe杯--戶外新體驗

作者:鉑瀾咖啡社 來源:咖啡豆: 咖啡用品 > 咖啡杯 > 2024-12-22 18:15:09

  來自亞特蘭大的兩位企業家爲此推出了Hey Joe杯,爲那些在戶外的用戶提供最新鮮製造的咖啡。

  Hey Joe杯能夠容納14盎司(414ml)的水,並能沏出14盎司(414ml)的咖啡,整個杯子的重量爲0.9磅(408g),採用垂直堆疊的兩個系統,首先將水倒入杯中,然後將咖啡粉末包嵌入到杯子中間,當點擊杯子上的按鈕之後就會自動對水進行加熱進行滴漏式煮咖啡,當按擊一次會加熱到60攝氏度,而按擊兩下會加熱到68攝氏度,而按擊三下則會製作冰咖啡。

  這款Hey Joe杯計劃在衆籌平臺Kickstarter上籌集$20000,目前Hey Joe杯的捐獻價格爲$49,產品預計將於2014年11月份發售。

The 0.9 lb (408 g) brew mug uses a stacked two reservoir system, giving it a tall and slen...
One push will see coffee brewed at 140  F (60  C), two pushes heats things up to 155  F (6...
The Hey Joe mug works with the company's custom coffee pods containing either its Bold as ...
Water is poured into the top compartment at any temperature and is then warmed by a heatin...
The Hey Joe mug works with the company's custom coffee pods containing either its Bold as ...
Once the water reaches the preset temperature, it drips through a hole and onto the coffee...
One push will see coffee brewed at 140  F (60  C), two pushes heats things up to 155  F (6...
One push will see coffee brewed at 140  F (60  C), two pushes heats things up to 155  F (6...
The 0.9 lb (408 g) brew mug use a vertically stacked two reservoir system, giving it a tal...
Once the water reaches the preset temperature, it drips through a hole and onto the coffee...

前街咖啡已可在Tmall選購,60種來自世界各地咖啡豆,新鮮烘焙 24H發貨。


Tmall link:https://qianjieshipin.tmall.com

或直接在淘寶搜尋 「前街旗艦店」


2014-06-06 17:01:33 責任編輯:鉑瀾咖啡社




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