
作者:未知 來源:手衝咖啡: 咖啡師 > 2024-09-29 04:52:48

  Last month the Swedish AeroPress Championship, one of many national championships taking place around the world, was held at Koppi Coffee in Helsingborg, Sweden. Twenty-one competitors came from all corners of Sweden to participate in a shop packed full of friends, family and coffee curious individuals. The grand prize was a round trip ticket to Melbourne for the winner to represent Sweden in the 2013 World AeroPress Championship. The stakes were high, and many of Sweden’s best baristas had shown up to throw down—but Dinh Nguyensson took us all by surprise

  上個月瑞典愛樂壓大賽(其他各國愛樂壓大賽也如火如荼地進行)在瑞典赫爾辛基的的Koppi咖啡館舉辦。來自瑞典各地的21名選手參賽,還有很多老朋友,咖啡愛好者聚集在此。特等獎獎項是代表瑞典去墨爾本參加2013界世界愛樂壓大賽的機票,獎金也相當豐厚,以致吸引了許多頂級咖啡師到場,而Dinh Nguyensson表現相當出色。

  The final round of three competitors included Dinh, Lisa Raeder from Johan & Nystöm Stockholm, & Johan Moren from DROP Coffee. Each competitor was given eight minutes to brew their best cup. Dinh began boiling his water as he weighed and hand ground his beans, then brewed and pressed into a metal pitcher, swirled to cool and then presented his cup to the judges. Still with plenty of time left, Dinh calmed his nerves by keeping busy cleaning his station. After Lisa and Johan presented their cups the judges tasted and debated which cup was the best.

  總決賽包括Dinh, Lisa Raeder from Johan,Nystöm Stockholm, 以及來自DROP Coffee的 Johan Moren。每個參賽選手都有8分鐘時間來製作最好的咖啡。Dinh在煮水的同時,稱重,磨粉,然後沖泡,按壓到一個金色水壺中,最後攪拌使其適當降溫供給評委品嚐。他時間把握的相當好,但埋怨自己在忙着清理桌面的時候很緊張。接着 Lisa和Johan也完成各自的咖啡,最後評委選出最佳咖啡。

  The judges first awarded 3rd place to Lisa. Then 2nd place to Johan. In the excitement of the reveal, Dinh thought Johan had won. But Dinh was surprised once again to realize that he took 1st place! He couldn’t believe it, he actually did it. In his own words, “then I really began to shake,” shake with excitement. After a couple of beers, the shaking subsided and he piled back into a car to head home as the new Aeropress Champ.


  This week Dinh will represent Sweden in the World Aeropress Championship. Although he’s feeling some pressure, he doesn’t plan to change his routine much at all. Dinh’s only desire is to brew a cup that he would enjoy & hopefully the judges will too. DROP coffee not only inspired Dihn, but is also home to this year’s Swedish Barista Cup & Brewer Champions: Oskar & Nico. DROP invited Dinh to practice together with them for Melbourne; where Dinh will be visiting for his first time.



  Dinh’s first motivation is still what propels him in the coffee world today—to meet new people. He is grateful for all those he has met so far. To him, the AeroPress is the door into the specialty coffee world, and it’s open to everyone—just like the community of welcoming coffee people.

  他進入咖啡行業最初的想法很簡單 - 爲了結交新朋友。他很開心如今基本已實現,對他說,愛樂壓是打開精品咖啡世界的大門,歡迎所有愛好咖啡的人進來,就像一個大家庭。

  Dinh’s winning AeroPress method:


  Inverted AeroPress

  15g of coffee

  200g of water, 82°C

  50 second steep time

  30 second press

  and voilà!


  好好享用 : )


2015-10-16 18:26:53 責任編輯:未知




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