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專業咖啡知識交流 更多咖啡豆資訊 請關注咖啡工房(微信公衆號cafe_style ) 武漢文藝咖啡館 Just Right Cafe 剛剛好咖啡:剛剛好,遇見最美好 推薦理由 她們想打造一間抒情詩般的咖啡館,輕啜一口咖啡而芬芳。世界這麼大,遇見喜歡的咖啡館,不容易。她們希
專業咖啡師交流 請關注咖啡工房(微信公衆號cafe_style ) 那年天寒地凍,郭浩文(Alfred)在塔斯曼尼亞市集遇上一個咖啡檔,咖啡師沒有自顧自地低頭衝煮,反而一邊拿着塑膠針筒似的工具,一邊悠閒自在地跟客人聊天,這是他頭一回喝愛樂壓(AeroPress)咖啡。
1.Coffee Service During The Meal Customer:Do you have a vacant seat? Waiter:Yes,this way,please. W:Is this table all right?
Relax and enjoy your coffee!!! 咖啡店會話全記錄 1.Coffee Service During The Meal Customer:Do you have a vacant seat? Waiter:Yes,this way,please. W:Is this table all right? C:Good.Thank you. C:Menu,please. W:Right away,sir. W:What would you
The replacement to our Classic knockbox is finally a reality. Our designer Karina had done numerous versions of this and eventually we got a great design that functions great and looks fantastic. Just like the Tubbi knockbox, Karina has ma
The Tubbi knockbox is the perfect accessory for home baristas to help you dispose of your espresso pucks. It has been over a year in development and gone through many prototypes but finally we got there in the end with a brilliant, yet ver
A cup of freshly ground coffee is what it takes to get some people moving in the morning。 清晨起來,一杯新鮮的研磨咖啡可以讓人精力充沛。 But, according to a study, it may be the aroma rather than the coffee itself that does the trick。 但
愛思英語編者按:研究人員相信,烘培咖啡豆的香氣可以安撫緊張的神經-而且只是一點點香氣就可以緩解整夜失眠對大腦造成的影響。 A cup of freshly ground coffee is what it takes to get some people moving in the morning. But, according to a study, it
研究人員相信,烘培咖啡豆的噴香氣可以安撫嚴重的神經-而且只是一點點噴香氣就可以緩解整夜失蹤眠對年夜腦造成的影響。 在對小白鼠年夜腦取樣後,他們發現咖啡的氣息,增強了關頭基因的勾當,這種基因勾當可以促進體內細胞存活,而且削減焦炙。 A cup of fre
Those who drink more coffee are more likely to have a gene that helps their livers break it down If you struggle to get through the day without a constant supply of coffee or tea, it may be down to more than just personal taste. Research s
Coffee and Salt 咖啡和鹽 Add a touch of salt to coffee to heighten the flavor this is a very common use of salt as it is used in virtually all dishes (including sweet dishes served for pudding). Just a pinch is enough to make a brilliant e
Pantone Cafe Might Just Be The Designers Dream Workspace 作爲設計師,你絕對知道潘通色卡 Pantone。 現在, Pantone Cafe 誕生了,你點單的食物和飲品,都有對應的顏色,店內所有物品都對應潘通色卡中的顏色,碉堡了吧! 與醬料顏色對應的包裝 連飲品和
If you struggle to get through the day without a constant supply of coffee or tea, it may be down to more than just personal taste. 如果你是這樣一類人――每天如果沒有喝上咖啡喝茶就會渾身不自在,其實這不單只是個人喜好這麼簡單。 Research sho
意式濃縮咖啡萃取粉水比例 一份意式濃縮多少毫升粉要磨多細。
買咖啡去哪個網站好 咖啡網十大值得推薦的咖啡網
咖啡豆怎麼拼配 精品咖啡豆的拼配方法