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The spread of coffee to Asia The Arabians could not spread coffee in Asia but the Dutch did! In the process of Dutch colonization, they grew coffee in Maraba, Indiaand brought coffee to Batavia in Java, Indonesia in 1699. The Dutch colonie
英文句子太專業,翻譯困難!等英文高手翻譯投稿 Coffee has a conflicting reputation is it a guilty pleasure or a life saving elixir? Emma Davies gulps down an espresso and investigates In Short Drinking coffee has been associated with a variet
600 可可與文明 公元600年,隨着瑪雅人從中美洲向北方的遷徙,也把他們的文明傳播到了那裏。在尤卡坦半島,他們建立起早期的可可種植園。毫無疑問,瑪雅人已在幾個世紀前就對可可有所認識了。 600 Culture and Cocoa A.D. 600 the Mayas undertook a massive
How about buying a cup of coffee for someone youll never meet? It may sound like the latest trend in showy barista techniques, but a suspended coffee is much more heartwarming than a snazzy latte. 爲一個也許永遠不會遇見的人買杯咖啡,這個想
原文:Robustas Rehab 地址:Robustas Rehab,http://www.coffeegeek.com/opinions/cafestage/02-01-2006。 部分內容: It was hard to miss the 100% Arabica sign at theMolinari Caff booth during the Specialty Coffee Association of Americas (SCAA)
與水洗處理法和日曬處理法兩大傳統處理方法並列,蜜處理方法也成爲咖啡處理方法中的一支獨秀。蜜處理即honey 或者miel,honey 即爲蜂蜜的意思,miel是拉丁語中蜜的意思,所以這種方法的豆子總讓人聯想到香甜。在很多場合和條件下,似乎pluped natural 處理法
cafe in是一家如同6月清晨的青草那樣的小清新,但是咖啡館對於館主來說卻不是一個小清新的文藝夢,因爲店主對咖啡強烈而又執着的愛,所以每一個來cafe in喝咖啡的客人店主都會稱之爲愛人。她希望她的咖啡館能夠像家一樣溫馨,讓每一個進來的人都卸下沉重的戰
關注咖評(微信公衆號 vdailycom ) 發現美好咖啡館 開一家自己的小店 2013年世界咖啡師大賽(墨爾本)冠軍Pete Licata臺詞Pete Licata的比賽開始於1:36 大家可以根據視頻的時間進行閱讀臺詞,不懂的部分請詢問英語棒棒的朋友或者用Google谷哥哥簡單翻譯 並附上
Peter Dupont:以下簡稱 Peter baristaguildoftaiwan.org:以下簡稱BGT BGT:What inspired you to be a roaster in coffee industry? 怎麼進來這一行的? Peter:There were two steps in this. Firstly back in 1998 I had my first cup of Specialty Coffee
專業咖啡知識交流 更多咖啡豆資訊 請關注咖啡工房(微信公衆號cafe_style ) 廣州咖啡館 -NOKPI Collection 一家沒有kpi指標的咖啡店,但走進去特別有韓國ins網紅的感覺。咖啡還不錯。 乾淨的色調和綠植,你也明白了這家店必定是ins網紅的配置。 整家店的大
專業咖啡師交流 請關注咖啡工房(微信公衆號cafe_style ) 咖啡的風味就像一道大,引領著味蕾越到另一個國度。 Culture Coffee Festival in Taipei圍繞著咖啡主題,帶來由淺深的咖啡多元文化展,即將在七月底 暑假檔期於臺北華山文創園區舉行。集結臺咖啡館,
It is one oclock in Seattle. You are walking down the street. A lot of people are outside for lunch. You see a woman. She is holding a white and green paper cup. You see another person. He is also holding a cup in his hands. You see anothe
WBC年度比賽結果 編輯 2012 Vienna The birthplace of the coffeehouse was the setting for the 12th World Barista Championship held from 12-15 June 2012. Raul Rodas from Guatemala was crowned the 2012 World Barista Champion. Fifty-four barista
專業咖啡知識交流 更多咖啡豆資訊 請關注咖啡工房(微信公衆號cafe_style ) 芭比朵莊園咖啡(Bambito Estate Coffee )成立於1945年,在2006年的巴拿馬最佳咖啡比賽(BOP)中榮獲第二名。這片 自然的瑰寶之地,成爲世界咖啡圈裏冉冉升起的一顆巨星。 咖啡種
I like coffee so much that I have tea for breakfast: The first cup of the day in particular is so good that Im afraid I wont be able to properly appreciate it when I am half-asleep. Therefore, I celebrate it two hours later when I am fully
專業咖啡知識交流 更多咖啡豆資訊 請關注咖啡工房(微信公衆號cafe_style ) 杭州精品咖啡館 Brew in Corner 卡納咖啡:理想的街角小店 推薦理由 這裏是許多人心裏的濱江第一,已經開了六七年了,咖啡便宜又好喝。 店名:Brew in Corner 卡納咖啡 類別:杭州
產區:薇薇特南果高原 生產者:茵杰特莊園 海拔:1500~1850M 品種:卡杜艾波旁 處理法:水洗 等級:SHB 風味敘述:溫帶水果調,核果奶油,花生,烤麪包,酸質溫和內斂,口感滑順 Finca El Injertal is a family owned and operated estate located near the small town o
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